Bedbugs Control
Night Night, Sleep Tight! Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Aerohub Pest Control identify the signs of infestations and do the necessary treatments to eliminate the pest.

Bed bugs are flat, reddish-brown, oval insects up to 4 to 5 mm long or the size of an apple seed. Swollen and reddish after a blood meal.
Bed bugs only feed on blood. Under cool conditions, bed bugs have been able to survive up to a year without a meal. They prefer to be more active at night when the host is asleep.
Bed bugs are found in cracks and crevices, including mattress seams, sheets, furniture, behind baseboards, electrical outlet plates and picture frames. Often found in hotels, where they can travel from room to room and in luggages or other personal belongings such as purses and briefcases.
Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
- Seeing the bugs. Adult bed bugs are about the shape and size of an apple seed.
- Case skins. As the juvenile bugs grow, they shed their skins, discovery of which can indicate their presence.
- Defecation. After feeding, bed bugs return to their harborage to hide where they defecate black to brown stains on porous surfaces or black to brown mounds on nonporous surfaces.
- Bites also may indicate bed bug activity, but further signs will need to be found, since other sources can cause red welts on the skin.
Chemical Treatment
Successfully defeating bed bugs requires an integrated pest management approach involving multiple steps and cooperation from the home-owners. Our European/American premium chemicals are all NEA-Approved and technician NEA-Certified:
- Detailed inspection to detect for the source of bed bugs at the high risk areas like mattress and bed frames.
- Spot-Treatment at all high risk areas, cracks and crevices where bugs are likely to be hiding.
- A thorough residual spray with odourless chemical will be conducted at the infected area.
Dry-Steam Treatment
As minimal chemical is involved thus; it is suitable when there are babies or elderly around and for those who are sensitive to chemicals. There is also no need for occupants to vacate the premise as treatment can be conducted with humans around.
- No chemical involved. 100% safe for you and your family.
- Dry steam bed bug eradicator generates super-heated steam as high at 180°C.
- Kill all stages of the bed bugs from eggs, larval to adult.
Contact Aerohub Pest Control Singapore